Home » Composition in Two Genres: Art and Political Cartoon

Composition in Two Genres: Art and Political Cartoon

Danyal Sarfraz

The First Genre: Art


Rhetorical situation: Homework is a tantalizing problem for many students. Students are unable to address the severity of homework through words and are not believed and get shunned for wanting to not do homework. This is a problem.

Genre: I thought that doing a free art piece expressing my emotions regarding homework would be a good way to deliver a concise and understandable message. Many people understand though visuals and I think my art piece will be very simple and easy to understand.

Audience: My audience for this art piece is students and parents. My primary audience is students because I want them to realize that they are not the only ones struggling with homework and that students as a whole are struggling with homework. My secondary audience is parents because I know that many parents do not know how hard homework is nowadays and always expect the best from their children without knowing what the material requires and how detrimental it is.

Purpose: The purpose of my art piece is so that people can see that homework chains students to a duty that is not beneficial for them. I think if I dramatized the situation into art it would be far easier to understand because I am spitting my mental image of homework onto paper. It will be far easier to explain the negatives of homework through visuals compared to using my own words to explain what I feel. I want the audience to view and immediately grasp my emotions and the emotions of students that stand with me against homework and its severe impacts.

Medium: Educational blog, anti-homework newspaper and/or magazine, parents magazine.  

Stance: Critical and disapproving stance.

The Second Genre: Political Cartoon

Rhetorical situation: Homework is a disputed issue within the United States and the entire world. Nations like Finland are able to exceed expectations and benchmarks compared to the US every year without giving out homework or requiring homework at all. Politicians do not give much attention to this disparaging fact, which reveals our education system is in shambles.

Genre: A political cartoon would be perfect to mock the politicians who are overlooking the homework crisis in America. It is a silent crisis, yet it is all too known to parents.

Audience: My primary audience for this political cartoon is politicians because in modern political debates there is no concern over the status of students and the problems they face with the current educational system and some of its oldest traditions like homework.

Purpose: Ridicule the government and politicians for not addressing the issue of homework that plagues students and causes many mental and physical problems such as sleep deprivation, stress, and fatigue. They focus on issues such as the economy and global warming, however, they gloss over the future of this nation and that is us, the students. If we are not looked after then there will be no future.

Medium: Educational blog, anti-homework newspaper and/or magazine, parents magazine.  

Stance: Critical, sarcastic, satirical, and disapproving stance.